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Understanding the ‘right to disconnect’ under the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth)
The rights of refusal are workplace rights for the purpose of Part 3-1 of the Fair Work Act, meaning that the employer is prevented from...
Employers at risk of action over harassment
Bailiwick Legal solicitor Matilda Lloyd discussed the new positive duty reform legislation at the recent WA Shearing Industry Association...
Renewable energy cowboys take on rural communities
Multibillion-dollar renewable energy projects are creating Âanxiety and mistrust in rural Âcommunities. Colin Packham, energy reporter at...
Killing fields fear solar will destroy locals’ livelihoods
Who will pay for the clean up of Wind Farms and Solar Farms when they have reached the ends of their lives? Millions of dollars in...
Rural Law with Peter Long joins the Agrilaw Australia Network!
We are delighted to bring on board one of Australia's prominent small business and rural enterprise litigation practices. RURAL LAW with...
Advice to avoid contract dramas
Phil Brunner from Bailiwick Legal (WA) is Interviewed by the Farm Weekly regarding Contract & Legal dramas affecting Farmers and...
The Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2021
On the 1 July 2023, the new Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2021 (WA) came into force. The new Act makes extensive amendments to the...
Wind Farm Projects and the Paperwork – get (the right) advice!
Recently we have seen a significant increase in wind farm proponents exploring locations and seeking to lock farmers into land access...
Don't be Casual When Employing Harvest Casuals
Is Carbon Farming right for you?
What you need to consider before committing to Carbon Farming. As a farmer, you’re looking for the best ways to make your land work for...
New Diversification Lease for Pastoralists
Proposed Amendments to the Land Administration Act 1997 On...
Family Farm Exemption - Stamp Duty
Does the Exemption Apply to me? The family farm exemption is one of...
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